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price movements meaning in Hindi

price movements sentence in Hindi

कीमत उतार-चढाव
price    क़ीमत क़ीमत कीमत
movements    गति गतिविधि
1.Activity was light in the futures and cash markets, exaggerating price movements.

2.But traders noted that thinly traded markets almost always exaggerate price movements.

3.To follow price movements in key cross currency rates, type FXC Go.

4.Trading was light Thursday, and the lack of volume exaggerated price movements.

5.Still, the gains came on light trading, which often exaggerates price movement.

6.Thai stock market regulations limit daily share price movements to 10 percent.

7.Moderate and stable inflation would avoid such a seesawing of price movements.

8.This means future price movements cannot be predicted by using past prices.

9.What makes them squeak at the end user level is price movements.

10.The resulting price movements accentuated the losses and triggered further liquidations.

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How to say price movements in Hindi and what is the meaning of price movements in Hindi? price movements Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.